Elena Andreeva1*, Inna Korneva2, Alexander Chugunov3

1Assist. Prof. Dr., Kazan Federal University, The Russian Federation,

2Senior Teacher, Kazan Federal University, The Russian Federation,

3Senior Teacher, Kazan Federal University, The Russian Federation,

 *Corresponding author


In modern conditions, the importance of language education is due to the diversity of languages ​​and cultures, which are one of the most valuable elements of the world, European and all-Russian cultural heritage. The use of the competence-based approach, which is being introduced into the practice of university education everywhere, is connected with the fact that competence is becoming a new unit of measurement of a person's education, his creative potential, independence and competitiveness.

The core of the competency-based approach is value-semantic competence, since the formation of a system of values ​​for future specialists is an obligatory part of the educational process at university. Value-semantic competence refers to the sphere of worldview, it is associated with the student's value ideas, his ability to see and understand the world around him, navigate in it, realize his role and purpose, be able to choose target and semantic settings for his actions and deeds, make decisions. The individual educational trajectory of the student and the program of his life as a whole depend on this competence.

The purpose of the study is to disclose the mechanism of reflection of conventional values ​​and anti-values ​​through language assessment tools, which is important when teaching a foreign language at university in the context of intercultural communication. Being the most important components of human culture, values, along with norms and ideals, are reflected in the language. Values, national-cultural traditions and peculiarities of perception of the world are most capaciously and distinctively manifested in phraseological units that are one of the most interesting and productive objects of comparative research in the axiological aspect.

In the course of the study, it is revealed that the implementation of the assessment occurs when the object is correlated with the value, reflecting the attitude of native speakers to the object in terms of compliance or non-compliance of its qualities with certain value criteria. The estimated value of a phraseological unit (positive or negative) is determined with the help of cultural information related to the etymology of the phraseological unit.

As a result of the research, it was found that studying the picture of the world reflected in the mirror of the axiological phraseology of two languages allows us to compare national stereotypes and life values of representatives of Russian and German societies. This knowledge makes it possible to successfully carry out intercultural communication. Russian and German axiological phraseological units with a positive or negative assessment reveal the content of conventional values ​​and anti-values. This fact should be drawn to the attention of students studying a foreign language.

The formation of the system of values ​​of future specialists becomes an indispensable component of the educational process at university, which includes presentation, comprehension, acceptance, realization, consolidation, ideologization of values ​​and value orientations.

Keywords: university, student, language education, competence-based approach, value-semantic competence, value, anti-value, evaluation, axiological phraseology, intercultural communication



CITATION:Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2022- 9th International Conference on Education and Education of Social Sciences, 13-14 June 2022

ISBN: 978-605-06286-6-1